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400g Burundi Kazoza N’Ikawa- Microlot ( This price is included $60 International Express of 0.5 kg)

Region:                Matongo
Altitude:             1,780 masl
Process:               Natural
Variety:                Bourbon
Grade :                   A
Q Score:                87.25

Very intense strawberry on the dry fragrance, outstanding aromas.
Strawberry in the cup, layered and complex, sweet caramel finish.
Very clean natural process.



Kazoza n’ikawa means “the future of coffee”. It is one of the leading cooperatives amongst the COCOCA union. COCOCA (Consortium of Coffee Growers Cooperatives) is an umbrella cooperative representing around 1,300 members in 42 member cooperatives around Burundi who collectively own their own dry mill. 

Coffee trees are grown in the high-lands nestled between the Ruyubu river and the Mpemba mountain, where the soil is predominantly made of sandy clay. The temperature there ranges from 15oC to 25oC and the harvest takes place from the last two weeks of April to the end of July, which is slightly later than the rest of Burundi due its cooler climate.

Kazoza n’ikawa built their own coffee washing station in 2010 becoming functional in 2011, and in 2013 they won the Cup of Excellency for the first time. 

Burundi Kazoza N’Ikawa-Natural Bourbon

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