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Proudly presenting a Rare Sidra Variety from renowned producer Camilo Merizalde. Processed using a purple hioney process showcase this unique character of Lemongrass, Lime, Clove, Cola, Nugmeg and Chocolate.


Coffee information

  • Farm owner: Camilo Merizalde
  • Region: Cauca
  • Farm size: 150 Ha
  • Altitude (masl): 1850
  • Soil: Volcanic
  • Varietals: Sidra
  • Harvest period: April - May / Oct - Nov


**Farm History**

  • Finca Santuario was founded by Camilo Merizalde with a clear vision to create a unique farm capable of producing the best specialty coffees in Colombia.
  • Focused on quality, he realized that the key was to establish a biodynamic and diverse environment that would benefit the coffee, the volcanic soil, and the surrounding ecosystem in the long run. This approach is crucial for the high-quality, typically low-yielding, and often vulnerable coffee varieties grown at Finca Santuario.
  • The harmonious relationship between the plants and their environment allows for the creation of some of Colombia's most spectacular coffees. In 2021, Santuario expanded internationally to Costa Rica, Brazil, and later Mexico, partnering with the ECOM network.


**Processing Details**

  • For the Purple Honey process, cherries are selectively harvested when their sugar concentrations exceed 24 brix. They are soaked in water for 5 hours before undergoing an initial Cherry Carbonic Maceration for 96 hours.
  • After that, the cherries are depulped, leaving 75% of the mucilage. A second anaerobic fermentation is applied for 48 hours, with Mossto recirculated every 8 hours. 
  • Mossto, a concentrate of crushed cherry pulp, is added to provide extra sugar for the microbes. Following these fermentation processes, the coffee is sun-dried on African beds for 24-26 days until humidity reaches 10.5%.
  • Final humidity stabilization takes place inside a warehouse using Fique Bags for 12-14 days. Finally, the coffee is stored in grain pro bags for 8-10 days for final stabilization.

Colombia - Santuario Project - Sidra Purple Honey

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